Gallery of Sculptures
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Our Father

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or contact:
The Art of Spiritual Awakening (TASA)
7341 Spring Hill Drive, Unit 3005
Spring Hill, FL  34611-3005
Phone: 1-800-237-1038
Payment options for all sculptures:
Personal check, certified check, or money orders.
Florida residents add 6.5% sales tax.
The Angel
of the Annunciation

 The Gift of Life
A New Bethlehem Today
The Gift of the Presentation
Shepherd of our hearts
Christ  Crucified
Christ  Resurrected
Christus. The Christ
The Treasure
of the Angels

of the Living Waters

An Angel's Gift
Woman of the Eucharist

Saint Therese
"Be not Afraid"

Christ healing
the man born blind

The Blessing
of Christ

into the Desert

The Good Shepherd
Our Lady
of Guadalupe