Spiritual Awakening
"Behold the Lamb" John 1:36
As the Lion looks out upon the reflecting waters, he beholds the image of the Lamb. Who can this be?
In the Old Testament, the promised Messiah was referred to as the Lion of Judah, who would come at the appointed time to crush the enemies of God's original design of peace and harmony throughout His creation. To the surprise of many, Jesus came as the Paschal Lamb, the Suffering Servant, who embraced and healed our broken spirits with the affirming and pure Love of God.
A secondary storyline for this image:
So many have such tough exterior defenses that encase and overly protect our wounded ego's, that inadvertently, we block the true awakening of the Spirit within. The once regal lion, a symbol of human nature, finally comes to a point of brokenness in his (or her) life's journey as he is led gently, yet mysteriously through the Wisdom of God, to a pool of Life-Giving Waters. Just at the moment of utter surrender, as his inner defenses fall away, the lion experiences a rebirth of his own spirit as he now clearly sees the inner peace and harmony that is offered through the Creator, Spirit, Healer of us all.
"We have all gone astray… each following his own way", Isaiah 53:6. "But let us surrender our parched hearts to the One Lord who will lead us to eternal Life-Giving Waters", John 4:10.
The original is hand brushed in watercolor by Solomon.
The design in story by Andrew John.
© Copyright 2012,The Art of Spiritual Awakening. All rights reserved.
Excellent gift for 12 Step Group Members
Fine prints available in the following sizes:
16 x 20 canvas giclee' - $175
20 x 24 canvas giclee' - $200
32 x 40 canvas giclee' - $300
8 x 10 art print paper - $15
16 x 20 art print paper - $45